This song just kind of sums up my thoughts of late. I want to truly desire to know God more, I want to praise and glorify Him. I don't want this to just be another unimportant project in my life, I want God to BE my life. I want to become less so that He can become more. I'm really struggling with giving up the controls, I'm not good at letting someone else make the decisions, but I want to do better, doesn't that mean something? I know that theres no formula to be good, to follow God, but alot of times I feel like it would be eaiser if there was. I want to have an excitment and a desire in my heart for God and His plans that I can't control it. Do you remeber how Moses's face was basically glowing from being in God's presence on top of that Mountain? I want to have that, of course not the actual glowing, but I want to have such a joy in me that everyone who meets me doesn't see me, doesn't see what I've done, but that they see the incredible God who is working in my life. I don't want to rely on my own intelligence or drive any longer, I want to rely on God! I can't trust my own selfish instincts to glorify Him, I can only trust what He has planned for me to do, in order that I might bring more and more gloriy to Him. Because thats what its all about right, His Glory! :)
BTW...the song is "Starry Night" By Chris August
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