Monday, September 13, 2010

1. If you're a reader, what's your favorite book?
easy, Mis-match, Re-match, and Match- point, and P.S. I'm not being indecisive, they're a series!!

2. Why did you choose the career you're in?
Well, our principial always tells us that our career is to be students, so I guess I didn't see there's this annoying thing called truancy that I would like to avoid! :)

3. Dream car...something practical or flashy?
flashy, flashy, flashy, like the lights on the red carpet!!! (great analogy I know); however, I would like to make them florescent bulbs as to be "green", and you will be to, after you see my new car... "green with envy"!!

4. Would you rather be a giver or receiver?
Although I do like to receive, I would say it doesn't even compare to giving... you know God designed us to be charitable, being self-less just feels so good. Its something I'd like to practice more often!
5. Are you a spender or a saver?
I am absolutely a spender, I have about $20 dollars burning a hole in my pocket. Although, I will say, I am not a waster. I bargain shop. I save for something I really want. I have a bank account. Therefore, I am a responsible spender.

6. Where did you meet your significant other?
ha. ha. yeah. right.

7. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I just function better at night generally speaking... I have a severe form of brain block in the mornings (yes, pray for me); however, cross- country season challenges my nocturnal instincts; therefore, I have evolved to become a semi-morning person.

8. What has been your biggest achievement?
Well, I know now that I by myself have achieved nothing without God's help. But with God's help I know it has been the decision to give my heart to attempting (and sometimes failing) to follow Him. 

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