Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bible study friend run-down- day one!

 I officially declare today Bible-study appreciation week. This week I will introduce you to my wonderful best friends, who so conveniently happen to be in my Bible study, how ironic. They happen to be some pretty great people, who deserve some elaboration and appreciation and consideration. More often than not our friends are under appreciated. Yes this is the preamble to the story, it was useful, wasn't it Lindsey?

So it seems fair and right to start it of with a biography of our amazing leader, Lindsey Carter, who just so happens to be an amazing blogger, way better than myself (I know its hard to believe right?) so go look at her blog, NOW, well maybe you can read this post first. a-heart-abandoned.blogspot.com

These are the reasons I love Lindsey and you should love her to...
1. She is probably the nicest, most sympathetic, caring person you will ever meet. She will always look at the positives in you, no matter how many negatives there are. I'm not sure she's ever met a person that she didn't care about in some way/shape/form.
2. She is crafty. She has taught me all I know about flower-making, fabric shopping, card-making, journal-making, blogging, and font/sign making that my little crafty heart could desire. And just as a little side note- pretty much everything awesome you see/ have seen on my blog she has done for me or taught me with patient instruction how to do, I am not a computer-savvy person, not at all.

3.She is real with me, for any of you who don't know us, which really isn't any of you, but anyways... Lindsey is 23, graduated college, I am fifteen, 2 years away from graduating high school, there is an 8 year difference... Although as Micayla once informed us, Lindsey and I both look 18, so its all good. But my point is, most people with an 8-year difference in age, not to mention pretty much polar place in life, aren't friends with each other, much less have thing in common. However, through all the differences in circumstance, we manage to be really close friends.  Lindsey and I can talk about husbands, houses, kids, college, friends, God, and food, anything and everything...and she doesn't for a second treat me like a little kid, she treats me like a friend.

4. Most importantly, She LOVES God. I know that God gave her to me as a friend right when I needed it, I can honestly say that if He hadn't given her to me as my best-friend at that crucial time when I needed her, I would not be anywhere close to the person I am today. I see in her the person I want to be when I grow up. She teaches me how to be a friend by being my friend. For all the legends out there, I know I hog her sometimes and I'm sorry, but you understand why :).  

Love you Lindsey!!


Lindsey said...

Ok, I had just looked at Cait's pictures from engagement night & was already a little teary. Then clicked over to Reader & this popped up. I guess it just wasn't in the cards for me to get through this day without crying. I love you, sweet girl!

Kinlie said...

:) :) :) I'm glad you like it!!! Its all true!!!

Ashley Dodd said...

I just started getting teary eyed because Kinlie, you have totally described Lindsey perfectly!! I am so blessed to have been given the time to get to know Linds at NGCSU! Glad you have her now!!