Monday, October 25, 2010

Confessions of a habitual sentimentalist

Recently I have had to come to terms with my materialism/sentimentalism... for 2 reasons....

1. This one is more devastating... When I was thirteen, my dad gave me a diamond ring for my birthday, I've worn it pretty much everyday since then. I planned on giving it to my daughter when she turned 13. When my church had a purity Bible study, it evolved into my purity ring. Well, now to the bad news...

This Saturday my Cross Country team and I journeyed to Carrolton, GA like 4 hours away by bus. Its was a very very fun trip, they got to run the state course, and did great... thanks to my cheering of course! Unfortunately, we got there at 7, and it was probably like 30 degrees...I was constantly walking back and forth calling out one mile splits and charting the finishing times. My fingers shrunk. My fingers where numb. My ring, already a little to big, fell off. I cried, because the first time I realized it was when I got back on the bus and we were leaving, Carrolton is 4 hours away, so I can't go back and look. I asked God to give me a peace about it, because I know in the big picture it doesn't really matter, its just a ring. God is good, I have that peace now, even though I'm still sad. Who knows, it still could turn up!

(the blue one is mine)
Lately I've noticed that I have a really weird smell, no matter what I wear, like any normal person, I was perplexed. A few days ago, I discovered the ASP naked pact bracelet (longggg story)... This has made me very sad, because I know that soon I probably need to remove it, I just haven't been able to summon the courage. I guess all that sweat from cross country and the early mornings at the pool have disheartened its desire to remain fresh and smelly-good. Oh well, guess I'll just wait till next year!


Lindsey said...

1. I'm still counting on that ring to turn up.
2. Don't feel bad...I cut mine off about a month ago when it started smelling :( Next year...

Kinlie said...
